Research Study on Consent in ENM Relationships
Steve Taylor is a criminology professor at Saint Xavier University with a focus on victimology and violence against women. He has started a new project recently that focuses on consent and boundaries in ENM settings. I would like to share this information with you in hopes that you may pass it on to anyone who might be interested.
The first stage is an online survey. Steve Taylor’s Institutional Review Board has approved the use of snowball sampling (think of a small snowball rolling down a mountain getting bigger and bigger as it goes). Meaning, the more people it reaches, the better understanding we can have of the complexities of boundary pushing and consent violations in ENM settings.
Please considering sharing your experiences with consent, boundaries, and ethical non-monogamy plus sending this link and flyer to any of your friends, partners, or colleagues that this research may pertain to.
Steve Taylor and I understand the reluctance of many people in the community to participate in research due to concerns of confidentiality. This survey is completely anonymous. The survey can be found at