Love for You on Valentine’s Day
Here at Love Positive Counseling, we believe that no love is more important than love for self. The word Love is a verb - an action - and actions happen at various speeds and intensities and upon different objects. Today on Valentine’s Day, America celebrates love for each other, especially romantic and familial relationships, with candy hearts, roses, candlelight dinners, touching gifts. We won’t tell you to avoid the commercialization of love, because gifts are a valid love language! We will encourage you to take a moment to breathe in the Love From everything and everyone in your life then breathe out Love For everything and everyone in your life. Take a moment to catch eyes and appreciate everyone you pass today. Take a moment to give your own body, mind, heart, and soul Love and Gratitude for taking care of you through this life so far. Whatever your Love Language is - Love Yourself! Get yourself some roses, or write yourself a love note, or take a warm relaxing bath full of your favorite fragrances, or meditate with a visualization of rosy colored light of Love enveloping you, or clean your most frequent spot at home and make it extra cozy. Why? Because You Are So Loved. Today and Every Day.